Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Hope is a discipline

An enormous and very well-funded hate campaign based on outrageous lies has been launched to prevent Jo Ann Hardesty from being re-elected. Nevertheless she persists. She has accomplished more for the people of this city than any single elected official has ever managed in one term, but she won't sell herself to the high bidders, she won't play with the rich boys, and so they have set out to crush her. The primary is in May with the final election in November, and her re-election seems a long shot, but we're still hoping she can make it. 

I got my second booster this morning and am feeling fine, though tired, as the photos required extensive processing and it's now nearly 1 a.m. We gathered in a small, dark room with dim lights in front of glass windows behind which were glaring lights. The worst circumstances imaginable for photography. I have 58 to send the campaign, and every single one had to be worked and masked and de-noised and adjusted. I include a few extras because she is so wonderfully expressive. I'll probably delete them later.

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