La vida de Annie

By Annie

Por fin el regreso del sol.

At long last the sun has returned. This is the view from the end of our street, down a very steep road towards the cala. Cala Moli is in the distance, and the village of Macaret in the top right. Sadly there is no decent view from the back of the house, sunsets excepted, as the unsold plot of land between has huge trees which block everything (and house processionary caterpillar nests in the Winter). Most of the villas in the village are built on steep slopes, as the land was originally a bare rocky peninsular, so access to the front is either down, or up, a set of steps, with the reverse at the back. Ours is down a slope to the front door, which means your head, looking out of the kitchen window, is at road height. The bathroom window likewise, although I now try to keep it shut when I have a shower, after once being greeted by a tradesman on the road as I stepped out in all my (lack of) glory. I'm sure he was traumatised - sorry, Juan! The back has lots of steps and a slope, at the bottom of which the garden tortoises hang out. All eleven are now active and very hangry, and try to bite your feet when you go to feed them, They're loving the belated sun and sit and bask in the UV rays, which are beneficial to their shells. I'll try to get a picture or two in the coming days if the weather lasts.

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