
By antipodean

In storage

This photo cracks me up, because it basically looks like Dad is in some kind of high security prison or a mental institution. I caught him by surprise with this photo, hence the odd expression.

In actual fact, he's at the storage facility around the corner from us where many of our life possessions are at the moment. When we moved we left a three bedroom house with a garage and lots of cupboard space and arrived at a two bedroom terrace with basically no storage space. I couldn't even remember what was in the store but I have four rather large boxes in my room waiting to be sorted through so I'm sure I'll find out!

Apart from visiting the store, I went to the gym today for the first time since my intense PT session on Thursday. My muscles have only just returned to normal! Also Dad and I made a super yum dinner from last night's leftovers - salmon and potato patties with broccoli (best vegetable).

I have another photo of Dad in the same position, except he's smiling, but I really felt this one was better. Mostly because it looks a lot more sinister than it is! This is the third blip of Dad, so I think I'm going to let him off the hook for a while and find a new subject...

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