One Foot In The Art World, London

Was very busy today as a lot of work came in but still managed to get out in the sunshine for walk around. In the area of London where I work there are so many art galleries and it seems a new one springs up almost every week or so. When you go past them, though, nearly every one of them is completely empty bar an often very bored looking employee sitting glumly at a computer (nearly always but alway an iMac) or looking dolefully out of the window. The spanking new gallery in today's shot featured this weird moulded foot with added mirror/screen made of what looked like tree resin or amber (it certainly glowed in the light). The obligatory bored employee was present and correct!
In other news, we seem to be losing staff (especially techs) at a faster and faster rate as they leave, often, for better paid jobs elsewhere. I also think many don't feel appreciated for all their efforts, especially during the pandemic. It can be a very hard place to work during the exhausting busy periods so a big thank you and some kind of reward or recognition would go a long way to retaining more staff. Seems very unlikely it will happen though, which is a big shame as so many good people have had enough and decided to move on.

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