Try again

What a day. Felt really awful when I got up so tested and was negative. Made a cake, wearing a mask, and when I lifted it out of the tin it collapsed. Walked down to M&S for food shopping and they didn’t have one of the items I needed, but the Sainsburys garage shop near my house did.
Walked daughters dog and took her back to our house and the daughter went to hairdressers and then came back to ours for coffee and stayed for dinner. She was a little upset when her partner messaged to say his flight was delayed and then cancelled. He is now hoping to get on a flight at 7 this morning.
I did my blip and as I was still feeling awful went to bed. Got up to find no blip, don’t know what I did or didn’t do.
The cake still tasted good with cream on, as a pudding.

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