
Our planned running route was changed to escape the worst of the westerly blustery weather and so we jogged along the Roseburn Path where we had more protection. 

The bowls triple team I subbed for won the play off final in a tie-breaking extra end!  It was an exciting game with our skip Isa on top form.  

Mister F and I had a late birthday celebration dinner at Taisteal's on Forth Street.  It was tipping it down so we arrived looking a bit bedraggled.  We had an excellent meal and the rain had stopped for the return walk.

I finished another 'Christmas' book, Windswept by Annabel Abbs.  It's a very interesting book focusing on the lives of five women (Simone de Beauvoir, Gwen John, Daphane du Maurier, Georgia O'Keefe,  Nan Shepherd) and why they walked. 

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