New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


Well we made the wrong decision for lunch today - thought we'd check out the market at Chatelherault.  It seemed like all of Lanarkshire and their dogs were at the park today and non of the food-to-go options were veggie.  After a very long twenty minutes in the park dodging dogs, children and people who stop in front of you without warning, we decided to get in the car and head to Baron's Haugh for a walk to escape the crowds. 

Didn't see too many birds as we forgot the binoculars, but we did see something which might have been our first wild otter swimming across the Clyde, but we weren't quite close or quick enough to verify!  Round the back of Dalzell house someone had carved a Chupacabra and some aliens throwing people in a dustbin on a couple of trees.  Whilst I appreciated the artisitc merit, I wish they had found a different canvas for their art.

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