Fields of Pink


The field was not along the N59 but further 'inland'.  I think the area falls under Den Bommel.  A rather sneaky spot, easily missed when one is driving.  Left the N59 and then had to enter a side road and drive almost all the way to the dike.  I did go the whole way, anyway, hoping there was more to find 'around the bend', but 'around the bend' was a dead end, and had to enter another even smaller side road, and there it was.  Hopscotching across the muddy patches which were thankfully no longer squelchy, I just stood there.  It looked like a field of lip gloss sticks, very pretty and waving in the wind, which wasn't blowing hard.

I don't think I'll return to the area, though.  Where last year's fields were is now bare, the soil now being used for another crop which will emerge in May or June.  If I want to see more, I'll need to head north.  Something to look forward to.

The Herculean task of clearing my workroom has begun.  That, plus Chapter 11, and a new MOOC which will start on Monday.  In the meantime, the war at the border has become very ugly for civilians.

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