Thought Mr PP deserved a portrait now he's reached such a great age (!) I've faffed to make it mono and tried to give it a low key look ... Not sure if it's worked, but I quite like the effect.

I've done a fair bit of Photoshopping today. Little Miss B has a cuddly toy that is a hermit crab. He's called Helmut, and LMB loves him. A couple of times now she has pointed out to her mum that she doesn't have a story book about Helmut!! So between us we are trying to correct that omission, starting with me creating pictures for my daughter to work into a story - for which she has already made a suggestion or two. This may also require further photos or Photoshopping as it develops, but we'll see. (As you can imagine, if you're familiar with my chessmen creations and Bendimen scenes, I'm loving the challenge.) 

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