
So you see, Auntie Jane, we can stand still if we wants to.  The thing is, that when we has been to the groomers, we is ker-nack-er-ed.  We do get so tired we can hardly put one paw in front of another.

We quite like the groomers - although it gets a bit fraught, because although Scottie is a great bloke, SHE isn't there, and we do get a bit worried that she might not come back, but on the other hand she always does, so we needn't worry all that much.  I don't (this is me Harry) worry at all.  But I (this is me George) worry a great deal about what would happen, if by chance she didn't come back.  But it hasn't happened yet - and come to that, may never happen.

The other thing is that it's pretty boring standing still, when you can racket around like a pair of lunatics.  And if we did stand still for very long, we would get as fat as little porkers.  Yes we would.

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