A different kind of day

I had a phone call late morning to say that Robert would like to deliver me some logs - just as I was going to collect my yoghurt from Wortley and he would be about half an hour.  So I got to Wortley only to discover I’d left my purse on the desk at home - so home I came and then back to Wortley for my bit of shopping.  The logs were tipped out on the yard next to the log-store and as it looked like rain I thought I’d better stack them under cover.  I wasn’t expecting him, in fact I thought he’d forgotten me and was about to give him another ring.  I was a bit tired when I’d finished!  It kind of reminded me of when we were kids and we’d had a ton of coal delivered that all needed shovelling into the coal-place.

I was a bit thrown yesterday anyway as we didn’t have Tai Chi, which is my marker that says it’s Wednesday, so I spent much of the day thinking it was Thursday.  A morning for admin, paying one or two bills, then sorting out some changes for my holiday in Mull and the news that I could have my new car today meant I’d got things like insurance to sort.  I’ve emptied the boot, this morning I need to clear out the interior.  I’d probably better get on with it!  

And I did manage an hour printing out some photos to go in the concertina book I’m going to make as the more straightforward version of my experiment that didn’t quite work.  It was good to have a reason to sit down.

Penistone Camera Club yesterday evening where Peter showed us some very good documentary photos he’s taken over the last year.  I thought he did it well.

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