
By dadof3

Busy day

Today the boy's went back to school, Horray!! i decided that i wanted to take them as i'm usually on my way to work every day at 8 and i always miss it :(
The boys were made up and it also gave Claire a little more time to her self to get her self ready that is the madness that is called the weekly shopping *shudder*
I wanted to spend much time helping Claire with this and we also had a bite to eat at dinner time, it was generally nice to have a catch up with her and look around for stuff for the new baby (clothes, equipment etc)
After that i picked up the boys and took seth to his swimming lesson (which he's moved up to stage 3 *is proud*) Toady has been busy but good
Any way i saw this this afternoon on the way to pick the boys up in a bush in the park and i took a couple of photos of it and some of the look area/plants/scenery, but i didn't get a chance to see it until now. I have to admit i'm very pleased with the way it come out. :D
Tomorrow is growth scan day. I can not wait to see my little baby and to see her moving and grooving for us :D

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