Abstract Thursday Pre-empted

I started the day off with a plan for my Abstract Thursday blip to "Fill The Frame".  My sweet friend, Jane, and I went for a walk and I took a few pictures that I thought might work, got them home to start looking through them and then real life happened!  My husband ran over to the front door, shouting at something outside to go away. Only later, did I find out that a neighborhood stray cat that we have never fed, but never chased away,  had climbed up on the step stool that I kept meaning to move and menaced our nest of Carolina Wren fledglings, much to the displeasure of the adult birds.  We don't think the cat got any of the young birds, but we don't know for sure.  We only know that the nest is now empty and, of course, I got a quick shot as Dana tried to shepherd one fledgling to a safer place than the middle of our driveway.  Once I saw this shot, all thoughts of posting an abstract flew right out of my head!

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