
The Wood Anemones at Old Sulehay NR are now at their peak of perfection, snowy drifts carpeting the woodland flora and easily visible from the paths. Other woodland flowers are also looking wonderful, including Lesser Celandine, Primrose, Common and Early Dog-violets and the first of the Bluebells. I also spotted many clumps of the rather strange-looking, parasitic Toothwort, which is having a very good year, and can be found at the base of Hazel and Field Maples.

However, my favourite species of the day was Wood-sorrel, which is quite a rare species locally, generally restricted to small pockets of more acid soil in ancient woodland. It's shown a significant decline in England and is now considered to be Near Threatened. I've known of a couple of places for this attractive species at Old Sulehay for a long time, but today I found two more, including one really quite substantial colony.

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