White flowers

It was another misty start to the day but fortunately the sun broke through late morning.  After a quick lunch we all went for a walk along the beach which not surprisingly was fairly busy. Lots of families enjoying themselves, a small group of kayaks were heading around the rocks towards Ladram Bay and several groups of youngsters were enjoying themselves in the area where the river meets the sea.  We were watching the activities here when a friend with her family spotted us.  We had a quick chat and met her youngest grandchild who is only a few months old.  Its always nice to meet one's friends family.  We then headed back home feeling quite warm from the sun.  I spotted todays flowers growing at the side a a walkway, I'm not sure what they are but some Spanish bluebells were flowering alongside them.

Later in the day I spent some time on the allotment planting the rest of the raspberries and doing some weeding.  Late evening the sea mist returned I hope it doesn't last  long tomorrow.

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