
By simisue

RUSSELIA X “St. Elmo’s Fire”

If I had my way, every plant in my new front
gardens would be blue or deep purple.
For a variety of good reasons that is not possible, so I’ve chosen a variety of
colorful, drought & heat tolerant plants.

This bright red FIRECRACKER PLANT, with open, airy habit is perfect for this hot, sunny spot near the sidewalk. The cluster of bright red, tubular flowers on rush-like
stems are a favorite of hummingbirds.
Some say this perennial has a tropical feel & is great for cascading over a pot or rock wall.

Besides colorful plants, I also chose a variety of stones, of various colors & sizes to surround the plants. I got this idea from my years living in Arizona, where this is the norm. You can see a bit of my vision in this Blip.

My landscaper resisted, but I insisted & am glad I did. They add structure, won’t blow away & are fire resistant. Arranging the bigger stones has become my new hobby.

We have had several cool, sunny days
& the plants seem to be adapting well to
this new home.

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