Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The pair of swans on Leeds Liverpool Canal.

The Feast Day St. Bernadette. Easter Saturday.
I was up at 8am and ready to enjoy the lovely sunny day. It is 18c.
Maria is training for a charity run, and ran to the next town, but I prefer to walk. I decided on a short canal walk from High Street bridge  to Spring St bridge where all the new Onward houses are looking good.
I was pleased to see this pair of faithful swans protecting their nest. I hope to see the little cygnets and photograph them for you to see.
I counted up 7809 steps and my feet are needing a soak in Radox to revive them !
Maria loves baking and she is preparing us some lovely bagels with omega seeds.
Have a wonderful day blip friends. Thanks for visiting my site today.

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