
A grey and misty start to the day, though the mist cleared and the sun made half-hearted attempts to come through.
Mr Rat wanted a long run and I wanted a middling one so we drove a short way and then headed off in different directions, me to return home the long way and him "over the hills and far away" then back to the car.
The light was very flat and the photo opps were were limited and I thought my blip was going to be a ruin and some daffys until these 4 lambs came to investigate me. A mum came up the field baa-ing - probably telling them not to talk to strangers.
One bit of the track coming back was very rough and barely runnable and early a cyclist nearly knocked me over as he came round a corner too sharply.
In the afternoon a couple of hours were spent in the garden and I'm now fairly well organised, and then Mr Rat and I went for a short walk so his legs wouldn't stiffen up.

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