Infinity Vs Eternity

Looking at the nitty gritty of time:
Aging, feeling the effects of gravity and its crime
Aches and pains, wrinkles and moles -
Time is heavy as it takes its tolls.
Now, we are eternal creatures
Made in the Creator’s image with His features
And now that we can grasp the concept of infinity
We can appreciate the mind of the Trinity.
To be stuck in the hole of time that’s endless
Is certainly hellish for the eternal friendless.
While those who grasp Christ’s salvation
Escape into eternal bliss, without cessation.
Time simply does not exist in the heavenly kingdom.
Infinity is a construct of the Almighty’s imagination.
The constraints of time and all its fallout
Will be erased (except for that Lake) once His plans have been played out.
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Revelation 20:10
LMKazmierczak All Rights Reserved 2022

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