
Did you know that missionary priests sometime in the 16C came across this plant in South America and named it passion flower as they thought that several components of this complex bloom represented features of the Passion? No me neither so a bit more research was required. This is what I learned from the  the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth :
* The flower has spikes protruding from the centre, the corona filament, which symbolizes the crown of thorns 
* There are 10 petals for the 10 faithful apostles
* It has three sigmas (sticky out bits on the top) representing the three nails used to crucify Jesus

* it has five anthers (under the sigmas) representing the 5 wounds inflicted on Jesus

Well that was unexpectedly topical but I'm pretty sure  it shouldn't be flowering yet! It is in the conservatory so I guess it thinks it's summer.
The day was lovely - bright with a fresh breeze. Some gentle pootering inside and out after our adventurous day yesterday.  

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