Bella's Home!!

I woke up this morning to a squirrel looking in the bedroom, a Blue tit tapping in the roof and a goose on a trampoline. Yes really!!

I tried to have a lay in as Bella was with Lady Linda last night but I started a migraine about 8 o'clock. Luckily I caught it in time and only had the flashing lights and a fuzzy head.

Mr W collected Bella at 11, took her for a groom at 12, collected her at 2 and arrived "home" half an hour later.

Iv introduced Bella to the 3 resident jack Russells and the chickens and am trying to get her used to the new noises. That's the tricky part!!

Mr W has now gone off to play squash. Hes pleased to be more local to his club and is collecting a second hand Smart TV on his way home. There's no aerial here and the little TV we have is too little to see the writing on the guide!!

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