
Mum and Dad bought me these beautiful roses on Sunday :-) My family left after breakfast this morning and then I went back to bed for a bit. I have been horizontal for most of the day - yes, I have finally succumbed to Covid (is there anybody who still hasn't had it?). I feel as though I have swallowed some glass, and my body just wants to be flat out.

I spent a lot of the afternoon lying on the bench in the garden, drifting in and out of sleep. It was rather nice, listening to the birds singing and opening my eyes to see all the daffodils, and the cherry blossom above me.

After tea, I lay on the sofa for a bit and listened to the thrush singing his evening tune from the top of the horse chestnut tree.

Sarah is back home and we are about to watch "Better Call Saul" if I can stay awake for long enough :-)

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