Cerdded yno ac yn ôl eto, eto

Cerdded yno ac yn ôl eto, eto ~ Walking there and back again, again

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Llawer o gerdded heddiw. Roedd rhaid i ni fynd a'n beiciau newydd i'w wirio, ac roeddwn i'n meddwl y basen i'n arbed Nor'dzin y daith... Felly seiclais i i'r siop ar fy meic ac yn cerdded adre. Yna gwnes i feicio beic Nor'dzin i'r siop ac yna seiclais i fy meic adre. Yn olaf, cerddais i i'r siop a seiclais i adre ar feic Nor'dzin. Yn ffodus roedd y tywydd yn braf...

Rydw i'n falch fy mod i'n hoffi cerdded a seiclo.  Manteisiais ar y cyfle i dynnu rhai ffotograffau ar hyd y ffordd. Dyma ffotosffer a dynnwyd o ymyl y nant. Mae'r hen foncyff o'r ywen wedi'i cwympo yn nawr cysgodi nifer o blanhigion ac mae ganddo glychau'r gog yn tyfu yn ei holltau

Nesa cerddais i i lawr i'r masnachwyr adeiladwyr i brynu pedwar darn pum metr o bren i wneud adran arall o nenfwd Daniel. Roedden nhw lletchwith i'w gario adref, bownsio ar fy ysgwydd, felly roedd e'n daith cerdded diddorol. Yn olaf, cymerais y pren i fyny'r ardd a'i beintio.

Digon cerdded am un diwrnod...

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Lots of walking today. We had to take our new bikes to check be checked, and I thought I would save Nor'dzin the journey... So I cycled to the shop on my bike and walked home. Then I rode Nor'dzin's bike to the shop and then walked home. Finally, I walked to the shop and cycled home on Nor'dzin's bike. Fortunately the weather was nice ...

I'm glad I like walking and cycling. I took the opportunity to take some photographs along the way. This is a photosphere taken from the edge of the stream. The old fallen yew trunk now shades a number of plants and has bluebells growing in its crevices

Next I walked down to the builders' merchants to buy four five-meter pieces of wood to make another section of Daniel's ceiling. They were awkward to carry home, bouncing off my shoulder, so it was an interesting home. Finally, I took the wood up the garden and painted it.

Enough walking for one day...

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