The day to start is today

By Traci

Alert - Sunshine ALL day

tempting to get used to this !!

So when I get a little frustrated with the routine and the order which dictates the chaos of my life on days from Monday through to Sunday, and I wonder what it is all about - never give myself any answers but do a lot of wondering - I can go down to the bottom of my garden, stand on a step thingy and lean to the left and this is what I get to see. How lucky, I remind myself - am I. Especially with a bluer than blue sky, all those huffs and puffs just disappear.

If you look closely you can see Wavering Down and Crook Peak, reaching 191 metres (627 ft), is a prominent feature from the surrounding landscape, and lies on the Mendip Hills which were designated an area of outstanding natural beauty in 1972. They are indeed beautiful. They will be blipped close up before too long!

With all the tragedy and trauma all over the news, I am genuinely pleased that all I have to get bothered about is that some days there isn't a challenge, I feel there should be more, but everyday life restricts some creativity (even getting a blip!!!) and that's just how it is. There is time enough for challenges and changes, I need to just embrace and enjoy what I do already, and did I mention how much more able I am to do that with a blue sky and warm evening. And with that in mind I am blipping early and going off to practice some flash portrait work as I have an appointment tomorrow for an award ceremony to take pics - I hate nothing more than organising groups of people, indoors, with fluorescent light ugggh - so there's the challenge to be creative - I asked for it really didn't I?

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