Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A vase of tulips from Maria for Easter.

The Feast Day of St. Anselm.
Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth's 96th birthday.
The good Lord has blessed us with a beautiful blue skied and sunny, cold day with a powerful wind. This is good, as our Hyndburn wind turbines will have been successful in their creation of renewable energy.
The temperature is 17c.
Paul and me have been continuing to clear out upstairs rooms and clear clutter. I am dust allergic so cleaning it is difficult but essential as dust is not good for health.
We enjoyed watching Escape to the Country.
Paul is tireless in the work he has done bless him. We found enough clothes and shoes to merit a journey to the charity shops in the afternoon. We parked on the same side as Age UK, as there was a space to park for a while.
Thank you for dropping by and enjoy a good evening .

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