Thursday Blip

Not a day I had in mind, shopping and chores were on the agenda. But much better, a visit to a friends farm, to see the lambs, and any other young animals that might be around.

On our way just before we turned down the track to the farm a fox dashed across our path, and a bit further we saw a cock pheasant. As we pulled on to the drive, so the dogs came to welcome us.  Once we had had coffee and caught up on the news, we headed out to feed an orphan lamb named Primrose, and see a calf named Pimple. We then did did a circuit of several fields to see the sheep and their lambs, a delight. The weather was good, although there was a bit of an easterly breeze. After a quick bite to eat we went back out to see the donkeys, Flash and Gordon, and to inspect the contents of the poly tunnel.

It was as I approached the tunnel, I spotted a slight movement by the big pot. The animal could not get past it at first and started to turn around to escape, and came towards me when I realised it was not a rabbit as I first thought, but a leveret! It was the first time I had seen a young hare, a happy accident  indeed.

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