
By Brookeside

Too cool for school

This is Brooke's new denim jacket. I couldn't resist getting it as its just too cute! Brooke was great for her dad and gran today. She's such a little chatterbox at the moment and constantly says mum, dad, wow, duck (dut) and tonight what sounds like gah! As well as some total gibberish sounds and, weirdly, whispers! She's almost crawling on her knees rather than this strange commando crawl with one foot pushing off the floor and has started trying to pull herself up but not quite got the strength yet but is getting much better at standing holding onto things. We can't get her to stop sitting herself up from a lying position though. Twice last night I heard a murmur and went into her room and she's sitting up in the middle of the cot with a weird dazed and confused look on her face! Her eating is coming along great since she started being able to feed herself finger foods. She's definitely got a very independent personality now and isn't afraid to show it!

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