Clear vision

Yes, the world is a lot brighter, colours more saturated, but what I noticed most this morning was the clarity of vision. I saw details from a distance that I had not noticed before. I could test this by using only one eye at a time - the teated eye was much clearer, as it should be now. I need the other eye ‘done’, but actually the cataracts in neither eye were really ‘bad’, in fact I was only just reaching the threshold when the NHS will allow treatment. So I wonder how many people are living in a ‘blurred’ world. How wonderful it is that we can do something about it. I am loving my new clearer, brighter world. 

How wonderful it would be if a some politicians currently could find a clear vision, one that would enable them to do the job we pay them to do - to make the best decisions for the benefit of everyone, not just that benefit themselves. 

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