Northern Exposure

By Northern

drugs and drakes

Weird day today. Started with a client being very enthusiastic about something I've spent a couple of days on. Which was great. Then spent a couple of hours catching up on emails and invoicing (yawn!). Then the afternoon wnt a bit mad. Ruairidh had hit the steroid rush.

The doc was a bit reluctant to give him another dose but needed to get his asthma under control. From experience (asthma has run in our family for at least 4 generations) i know that there comes a point in steroid treatment when you start to feel like you've drank 2 whole pots of strong coffee and are having major caffiene rush. Heightened reality, dizzy, bit shakey, can't stop talking, feel like you haven't blinked in hours.

The poor wee soul was climbing the walls. So to keep him busy we did some cooking. His class at school are working on a cookery book based on fruit. He wanted to invent something and he decided to do Orange chocolate tarts. I have to say they were delicious. Meanwhile his brother made bread, which he kneeded so much it took about twice as long as it should to rise. But it did and he was well chuffed.

I did take a pic of the tarts but they didn't do them justice. So as ducks seem to be featuring a lot in blips around here at the moment, I thought I'd try and catch some of the wonderful colours of our drakes plummage. They make a nice contrast with each other.

And if anyone has a favourite fruit recipe (doesn't need to be healthy, just tasty) feel free to leave it on Arrow's blip.

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