Mountain Skills

Thank you for all the love shown to Wednesday's blip riding high on popular. Made the long day all the more worthwhile lol.

What à simply Fantabulous day 1 for our latest totally free to participants with low mental health Mountain Skills course.
But wowsers, that was a cold wind up high.

Now this is my journal, so every so often a moan.
The ONLY requirement for participants is that they register (totally free, takes less than 4 mins) with Mountain Training UK who validate the course. Despite 4 reminders and a phone call this week one person never registered (promised they would) and never showed up. We had 19 people on a waiting list :-( that's just plain off. Learnt from it, changed the offer/acceptance / confirmed place process, and moved on.

The three who did come along were a wonderful bunch, lots of laughs, some deep conversations. Confidence and skills gained, well earned pint (or G&T) at the end of the day debrief.

Tomorrow we'll do a bit more.

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