
By lilialize

Daisy, Daisy,

Rather an exhausting day today.

Have done quite a bit of walking as I'm keen to get back to my usual routine. Feeling like there is a lot to say but somehow am unable to communicate it here in words, that could of course just be sheer tiredness from overdoing it as I'm often want to do. Think there is an underlying element of impending GCSE's for the teenagers, reaching a flashpoint, usually in the kitchen, over who has the last croissant. Meanwhile the grandchildren tear around the garden, whilst mum (eldest daughter) goes and has half an hours respite.

The daisy was given to me by the eldest grandson whilst we were waiting at the bus stop for the youngset daughter. Typical sibbling rivallry ensued as middle grandson found a large daffodil which he plucked from the grass to present to me.

Intend to catch up tomorrow on blips. thank you for all your lovely comments.

Good night.

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