
I had a few things to do in town today so thought I’d snap a high key of the corner of our arcade (yes our arcade doesn’t have a roof. Built by a Jerseyman!). I’d lined up and was about to snap when something caught my eye. Slight change of focus and I had a pic of my friend Robin. Robin and I have a long standing game of avoiding being photographed (well Robin avoids being photographed I’m happy to be caught). This time he actually photobombed my shot! Nice one!
So a brilliant start to the morning. Next I went to the surgery to pick up the script for the second half of my course of Vitamin D tablets. The receptionist had seen it but it was nowhere to be found. She tried the pharmacy in Boots but it wasn’t there so I said I was passing the Co-op so would try there. But no! I also asked for a diabetic eye test voucher so hopefully when I go to collect that on Wednesday the script will have been found!
I then filled my rucksack with M&S goodies and decided to get the bus home. Before I left home I checked Facebook for cancellations and there were none shown. But in fact there are 54 buses cancelled today and mine was one of them! So I went back to M&S to the talking coffee for a chat and iced latte to get up the energy to walk home.

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