Morning Smoke

I am not entirely certain where all the smoke came from, this bright crisp Autumn morning. At first I thought it must be more hazard reduction smoke and that the wind had changed. Later on it seemed more like the smoke from a chimney two doors down, which was having its first run for the season .... although it didn't seem THAT cold. Anyway the smoke blew away and the sky grew clear in a surprisingly short time and all was well again.

For a brief time, rays of the morning sun, having been broken up by the branches of a big tree (just out of shot to the left) were tracking with great effect through the smoke. I had to grab a camera and shoot off some frames. What you see is basically the next door neighbour's back yard.

We'll be off to the Central Coast for a few days. I'll still be blipping but I'm taking a complete break from computers (and such) until Sunday. I'll catch up then.

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