Stepping Up

I had a lovely 20 hours in Edinburgh staying with HazelH

I dropped my bag off my afternoon and went to the Botanics for a stroll - the rhododendrons were just past their past but still lovely to see.  I also enjoyed a latter and date slice sitting out as it was warm, spring day. 

I then played (and won !!!!) a game of Catan with HazelH and MrHazelH.  Laura Muir (a fellow overnight guest  and blipper) then joined us and we made our way to Arclight's for Book Group. 

We had a full house * and enjoyed tagines followed by (philander's) crumble.  Wine was also drunk and chocolates consumed. 

It was a lovely evening - lots of chat and multiple conversations and we were well looked after by our hostess. We also enjoyed fine views of the Edinburgh skyline complete with (presumably) rehearsals for Beltane on Calton Hill (well spotted by Ridgeback13). 

I'm now back up in Pitlochry getting ready for my Gaelic Class. 

* Eight of us in total - 5 of whom who blip so it was a very well documented book group. 

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