Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

River Ness

Cloudy start in Edinburgh. I finish packing, then head to the station. Very surprised to find the train was ready for boarding when I got there. We even left on time. As we head north, the sun appears. We get to Pitlochry o=in good time. However, we seem to be waiting a long time. Ah. Signal system failure. We have to wait for the driver to contact the signal box. We now head very slowly towards Blair Atholl, until we stop just before the station. It takes a long time for the level crossing to shut. Another long wait while we wait for the switches to be reset, then we slowly head north again. Eventually everything clears, and go faster again. Extra 1 shows the view looking west from the top of the railway. We get to Dalwhinnie. Another 3 minute wait as the track north of here is single only, so we have to wait for a train heading south before we can proceed. No more delays from here, but it starts to get cloudy again as we head to Inveness, 52 minutes late.

I check in to the hotel, then go get my pack from the event village. I am hoping to see the real Nessie tomorrow, who, as can be seen from Extra 2, couldn't make it today.

The main blip was taken on a pre dinner amble down the River Ness. A nice carbo loading dinner, then early to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow morning for breakfast.

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