All the way to the sea (again)

10.1C and grey with rain since about 9am.

Maeve the Deerhound and I will be going for a short walk soon. In the rain.
I am hoping the rain might go off later so we can have our usual walk this evening.

On our early walk this morning I took a camera hoping I might spot something to blip before the rain came. The crop in the field nearest our house is beginning to grow and there are now some lines that run down the long slope all the way to the sea :-)

The lines actually stop before the wall which is in front of a narrow pavement, then the road, then some grass, then the cycle path, then a fence, then a narrow field, then the main East coast railway line, then more grass, then the narrow band of dunes, then the beach and the rocks and the sea ... but that doesn't make a very good title :-)

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