A day in the life

By Shelling


I promised a picture of my stove in function. We've had chilly weather and a little rain, an inviting occasion for a fire, to get a warm start to the day. The stove gives a comfy warmth and actually keeps the room warm longer than my stove did in the old place.

Yesterday I got my forth jab and hasn't noticed any side effects yet, apart from a slight tenderness when I press the spot. Today, I went to the hospital to get my hands x-rayed. For some time, my forefinger has been swollen in one of the joints and hurt a bit when I play. Hopefully my doctor can give me advice when he's had time to look at the pictures, I wonder if I can get copies, after all it's my hands on them.

Lots of rehearsing and recording on my own today today, I'm meeting up with Eva tomorrow to decide about our Beatles programme. Exciting but very difficult,  and still a bit "loose" in context. 

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