The quay

We had quite a breezy crossing to Lundy, with a big Easterly swell. Spotted a couple of dolphins. The ferry decided against landing us and went instead around to the west side of the island for some shelter, and we looked at puffins and guillemots on the cliffs of Jenny’s Cove. After an hour we tried again for the landing and the crew decided to give it a go! The big swell was coming straight up to the side of the quay and so the boat was rising and falling by around two metres. The gangplank was attached and we took turns to cross when instructed. It was quite scary!
On solid land we struggled up the steep track to the welcome sight of the Marisco Tavern, for a sausage roll and a drink.
We were in good time for a guided walk to Halfway Wall, viewing Sika Deer, Soay sheep, Lundy ponies and goats, then across to Jenny’s Cove again to watch nesting puffins.
The warden gave a brief talk about the island and then we had a great supper in the tavern.
A good start!

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