Times Like These

By timeslikethese

Guardian of Calleva Atrebatum remains stony faced

After successfully purchasing a new pair of shoes (you have no idea how traumatic the whole experience has been) I treated myself to a wander around the ruins of the Roman town of Calleva Atrebatum, near Silchester, in Hampshire, England.

I won't go into all the historic details on here, you can probably find out more by searching online or going to the Reading University Archaeology Site for it. It was a bit disappointing really, a long walk around stone walls, which were nice enough I guess.

Anyhow, snapped this (or should I say, "blipped this") and when I got home and was checking through the pics, noticed that if you zoomed in, it looked like a face. Or at least, it does to me. But then I've been drinking.

PS: New shoes, HURRAH!!!!

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