Nanou in Anjou

By nanou

Hats de rigueur!

Two good reasons to be over the moon today. First of all, it was our first lunch outside this year and you can notice from the hats on the heads that the sun was in for it. (Husb serving wine to a couple of friends). Secondly, I treated myself to a new TOY yesterday. Like a child at Christmas I could've taken it to bed with me! (but didn't).
The only thing is that I forgot to set the right date on it so this is considered as a backdated blip that doesn't count in the total number of blips which is a shame for it would've been my 200 anniversary today and I was eager to show you my new toy on this highly symbolic occasion. Didn't work out at all. Well never mind, I shall write a little thanks speech for you tomorrow! (Just noticed the date!)

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