
By champignons


We found out last night that mr nut got into the school he wanted and this morning we got our very first school letter. And so the lists of demands begin.

I took my nut to the park for a vigorous assault course exercise session (I chased him round the climbing frame) and a go on the outdoor gym (me only). Then it was sunny and there was plenty of time for pottering about the garden throwing dolls into patches of lungwort.

Then I promised the nut noodles for dinner but didnt check the noodle status. We only had my rice noodles and he likes wheaten ones.... There was potential for meltdown. In the blink of an eye I told him 'look at these special spider noodles I'm making you! They are white and thin like webs so they are Spider-Mans favourite!' Thus, the nut loved spider noodles above all other noodles and ate many of them.

He had a funny red patch round his eye before bed, I think it's eczema but I asked him if anything had bumped into him in case it was a bruise coming

'Yes,' he said 'a helicopter'

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