
A quiet day at home  starting with doing my Gaelic Homework (adding adjectives to nouns to help remember the gender). 

The current topic is bodies/illnesses which in Gaelic are on you rather than something you have e.g. bha covid orm (literally covid was on me). This applies to other things such as anger, hunger and being drunk e.g. tha deoch orm (literally the drink is on me (which it isn't) ).  I rather like this way of expressing things as it suggest that the ailment or equivalent is transitory.  

I also plan to spend time in my potting shed this afternoon and to start  preparing my vegetable bed for outdoor sowing. 

May Poems

An Old Favourite: Anthem for Doomed Youth by Wilfred Owens
One from Poetry Group: My Papa's Wlatzby Theodore Roethke
One from Year of Scottish Poems: Fax by Rody Gorman
One by Seamus Heaney: Mid-Term Break
A Chance Discovery: Aunt Julia by Norman MacCaig

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