A Good Bath

It was the goldfinch hour when I looked out today and this little fellow was really having a good time! I sat in the sun on the front porch with my camera and watched the activity for quite awhile. While the goldfinches enjoyed the spa, the hummingbirds were on the grevillea. I put a picture of our resident Anna's hummingbird, Oliver, in extras because he was catching the light so nicely. The only thing that didn't show up is his bright red throat. I'm still trying to get a picture of the rufous hummingbird who favors the backyard feeder.

It has been a day of catching up. I feel that we are all beginning to awaken from a long sleep, rubbing our eyes, stretching our limbs and trying to get our bearings after two years of isolation. We make calls to each other with some trepidation since it feels like anything could have happened. 

One Berkeley friend said she and her husband were just getting over Covid after a trip to New York. Another Berkeley friend now has a pacemaker and has just been diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. I just got off the phone with a third Berkeley friend who had a stroke and was still a bit unsteady on her legs when her dog knocked her down and she broke her femur. 

It's as if we are all starting to worry about each other, trying to get back in touch, and maybe just feeling very grateful for our own health, although I don't want to belittle the hardships of others. 

I'm making a list of people I need to call....but it's time to go to Jim and Dana's for Sunday night supper, a tradition we treasure.

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