May day

After yesterday’s excitement I had a much quieter day….not started by running up Arthur’s Seat to bathe my face in dew!
Occasional warm sunny spells throughout the day but mainly cloudy, and I didn’t mind having an indoor morning clearing email and preparing for a busy week ahead. A did some clearing up and pootled around, and we finished the cakes from yesterday’s afternoon tea that I brought home in my upmarket doggy bag.
Dropped her at the pub mid afternoon so she could meet up with her friend for a Sunday roast and a natter and I did the food shopping then came home to make soup for the week. Later I collected her and we took Paisley to a new dog field near Ormiston…huge! She had a good run…really exhausted herself which was good, but we had to work to get her to engage with all the climbing equipment and game stuff. Home and I did some ironing and made supper then we watched the second episode of Grace….not as good as last week but proper Sunday night TV nonsense

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