Dandelion Clock

Quite a dull grey day, but quite warm and perfect for gardening again. 
We spent a good few hours in the garden this morning and finished off most of the jobs on my list, which is always good. 
I just have the tomatoes to pot up into their final pots tomorrow or maybe Wednesday when we are due a few showers. Then we can relax for a week or two before some planting out will be due. 

This afternoon I've been watching the snooker final again and it's a lot closer now than it was at the start of the session. Judd Trump won the session 6-2 as Ronnie O'Sullivan faltered. It will be an exciting final session this evening. 

Today's blip is of one of the many dandelion clocks that currently reside in our lawn. It was cut less than a week ago, but is already full of daisies, dandelions and many other weeds, but I don't really mind.  How come they all grow that fast when the plants in my greenhouse are still teeny tiny?? :)

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