Gloucester cattle

On our return from Poole we called in at Hinton Ampner, a National Trust property in Hampshire.

Nice gardens and extensive walks in wooded parkland. They have a project to increase the number and types of wild flowers so have introduced a small herd of Gloucester cattle to keep the grass under control and allow the wild flowers to flourish.

The Gloucester Cattle Society say - 

A Stockmans Delight 

Gloucesters are a joy to keep to see them lying peacefully on a fine summer evening with the sun shining on their lusterous black-brown coats, or standing with white tails swishing and thriving calfs alongside is a stockman's delight hard to match.

The Gloucester breed is strikingly beautiful. The body is black-brown with black head and legs. A white stripe passes down the back, continues over the tail and down over the udder, covering the belly. Mid-length, up-sweeping horns, are white tipped with black.

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