Deadly Carrot

(Thapsia Villosa) Thanks, Deb, for installing a plant identifier on my phone. No idea what all the red bugs are, though. (Lily beetles, according to Larchlea.)

Well, not that deadly, but you can get a nasty reaction from the roots (why would I be messing with the roots??). Anyway, used since Roman times to treat all sorts, but lately, a powerful phytochemical called Thapsigargin has been identified from it, which could be used as a cure for skin cancer, Alzheimer's, and even Covid - it basically causes nasty cells to commit suicide.


The (apparently quite rare) purple seeds are in extra; they are usually greeny yellow. Took that photo a couple of days ago.

Most of morning with the wonderful Tobias in Austria, sorting my laptop, wasn't receiving emails on it anymore. Afternoon, more burning of our outdoor table and benches, but still too windy, really.

- dramatic skies and a few drops of rain (would have been my Blip, but got fascinated by this plant)
- a very moving video of Hannah (Mike's niece) and Matt meeting Sienna for the first time
- a fresh loaf of Mike's bread, with Spanish avocado and cheese

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