Wedding Photography!

Went to a wedding today, a nice little service on the Georgia/Alabama line. Small chapel in the country, and a reception at a local church afterwards.

I wasn't the photographer though, that was left to a young lady who had some experience in such things. I merely shadowed her for a bit, and then when things had got quieter, myself and my wife grabbed the happy couple and got a couple of private portraits.

Not sure what was going on because whilst we were trying to do some 'touching' shots of the couple, we got totally gate crashed by everyone with a camera. We never really got the tender shot we wanted so had to contend with this shot just before we were interrupted. Hate shooting this stuff with an audience, and had we been the official photographer, we would have shooed everyone away for these shots.

Thought about becoming a wedding photographer in the past, but kinda decided that it's a hard thing to get started in, you need lots of contacts and/or expensive advertising, and to make any serious money your work has to stand out - not that I have a problem with that when I put my mind to it - but you're up against everyone who owns a digital camera. Why should someone pay $1500+ when some other guy will charge $300, bastardise the images in Photoshop Elements and comes up with images that are over sharpened/over blurred utterly saturated and have more in common with a child and crayons than a professional.

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