
14°C  -  16 mph WNW Wind Speed  -  25 mph Gusts  -  Overcast  -  Cloudy.   Had a lovely visit from my two-year old great-great-niece, Ivy, aged two this morning who I had due to the covid pandemic, never met.  She was very shy to begin with, but I won her over eventually.  Too cold and dull for an outdoor blip today, so here’s one of my sister’s Figurines that she keeps on her Mantelpiece.  I didn’t at first notice it’s title  -  Vanity  -  but it did fit the occasion, which was to capture me in the mirror!  Never mind how I captured it on camera the mirror either showed the wall behind me or my hand  -  never my face.  Ah well, here’s the best result minus hand☺

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