
C'mon little fella, you can do it! O-o-o-pen up!

I had a discussion with a small group of young people today about whether or not it was 'normal' to worry. I had forgotten that, as a young person, many adults appear to never worry and kids can feel like they are alone in their worries.

We discussed how no one is ever done having to practice letting go of their worries. That comment met with a big sigh from one teen who had apparently hoped it got easier. Well, in a way, it does...or can.

When God says to cast all our cares on Him, it's as if there is a big blanket laid out in front of us and we have the opportunity to, emotionally, lay that huge concern of ours on the blanket, pick up each corner, wrap it up and hand it over to God..cast it onto Him. Then, for me, the trick is to let it be more than figurative, but to actually be unafraid to be worry free. It's like we think that if we don't worry, something bad will happen. Yet, we can't add a single positive thing to our situation with worry, and, in fact, worry causes disease, so continuing to do it when we have chosen to let someone else have it, is kind of self destructive and totally unnecessary.

Consider this flower. It has been sitting in this position for a couple days now. I know it is designed to open naturally, whether it takes it's time or just pops open, it will open as long as it is attached to it's life source. If it were cut off, it would stop in it's track and wilt, but left alone...whether I stare at it, wish it open or talk to it....it is going to open the rest of the way. But, I kid you not, I actually had a moment of anxiety over thinking there should be something I could do to help it.

Is it normal to worry? Yep. Is it required? Nope. Will it help? Nope.
Will it hurt? Likely.
Will it distract from useful ways to occupy my time? Yep.
Am I ever going to worry again? Yep.
Will I do my best to let go of it and trust? Yep.

That's great!

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